My Experience with TIR

There is another way...

Hello, My name is Sheyla Zito and I am a cancer survivor proud to say that my faith has transformed my whole experience as a human being. 


Throughout my survival journey of countless challenges I’ve found myself and discovered my purpose in life! 💖 


I am on a Mission to Nurture and Empower survivors of all sorts to Claim their life back, to be Happy once again, Congruent and to get Inspired to Become the Person They were Born to Be. I help them realize that there is another way 😊 and to LiveFully2day.


I work with those amazing individuals who have experienced incredible setbacks, those things that have shaken their ground, completely changed the way they experience life – and are now ready to find out why they were put on this Earth…. 🙏

How many times I’ve watched people allow what happened to them to suck them in, to get stuck, paralyzed, not able to move and stop living… to later realize it is too late…

Don’t allow that happen to you.  Let me help! 

My journey as a cancer survivor has transformed me completely, but I did it the hard way… 😔 there were no programs, guide, instructions or anything like what is available today. There wasn’t even internet!!! 😳 I had to read books, enroll into courses, trainings and thousands of hours invested into self development 💪 to learn what happened to me… but only really a while back I was able to finally realize HOW I DID IT! 😏


The world has changed completely. 


I’ve helped lots of people conceiving and delivering workshops as a volunteer at Gilda’s Club Nashville for a couple of years. I’ve witnessed amazing transformations, healing and thank God and one specific case has changed it all for me… that moment I decided it was my responsibility to do something about it, scale and help lots of people. Based on my experience with the workshops which I have “ perfected” over time 😉 I have created my own program: “The PHOENIX Online Course” to help people that still need to work on that stuff that is holding them hostage – and it is a powerful thing, I will tell you…  I help people realize they have a treasure chest within, a tool box that they can heal themselves, do anything, that they can survive, be, have and become anything they set their mind to, if they have faith, manage and keep positive thoughts, shift their mindset and take consistent action.

But if you have already passed that phase and are ready and committed to Become the Person You Were Born to Be, this program – TIR – is for you. 


Only recently I stumbled into Thinking into Results and at that moment I was able to finally name the things I did without understanding, the required changes and transformations in order to move on with my life and thrive through an organized way. The mindset, done the right way, the get unstuck, the truly getting things done and finally prospering. 

You CAN get anything you seriously want.  Guaranteed.

The realization of a goal is not a complicated process.  It’s a simple matter of cause and effect.  As straightforward, consistent and reliable as 2+2=4.

The problem is, most of us approach goals in entirely the wrong way.  We focus on changing behaviors and habits in order to change results – a slow and potentially painful way to reach what will at best be a temporary solution.


“The law of cause and effect is the law of laws.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

If you really want to make a change in your life, you need to go deeper.

If you want different results, you need to ignite change at the level where your results are created in the first place. You need to change your mind.

When you do that, achieving your goal becomes not merely “possible” or “probable”… It becomes INEVITABLE.


Are you one of those amazing individuals who have experienced  (survived) huge challenges and realize now that there is more to life, an explanation to why you were put on this planet and are in a hurry to fulfill that purpose?

There is a reason why you are reading this. It is time and you know it! I absolutely had you in mind when I wrote this page. It is now up to you!

✔️ Ready to join 😃 👉Click here👈

Need more information? 🙂 Let’s talk: Schedule Now or Provide your contact info below and we will send it to you. 😊 One way or another…

Meanwhile, join our FB community ⭐️ See and experience for yourself 

I am truly looking forward to working with you and sharing this amazing journey of transformation


Love, Blessings & Gratitude,
